Assignment 1: An Analysis Of The Gerbner's Model Of Communication

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Madhuri Suresh COM 101 Online Application Assignment 1 Bringing across an idea or opinion to another person, is no simple task. It is a challenge with no assurance that the recipient will understand your views as you intended. This challenge is predominant with strangers or acquaintances who do not have background information about the character or nature of the person they are talking to. Unfortunately, close relationships with someone regardless of partner, parent or friend are no exception to the risk of miscommunication. In the attempt of understanding communication processes better, many academics have created models of communication. They attempt to encapsulate the factors necessary for ideal communication into the representation of …show more content…

When he attempted to conveying the content about the trailer of the movie ‘downsizing’ (E) I (M2) applied a different context and understood the trailer to mean something else (SE 1). Describing the interaction in this way it becomes evident that the point where the miscommunication happened is when it came to my perception of the statement – the lower horizontal arm leading up to SE 1. What Nelson saw in E as E1 was communicated till the point of SE. In this scenario since the channel used is directly from the source there is no influence on the content from an external channel. In a situation where there is an external source a discussion on the representation concept would be necessary. Based on the influence of my perceptions the event became SE

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