Civil War Dbq Essay

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During the 19th century American had it southern states secede thus causing a civil war between americans and there were 2 sides the Confederates from the south and the Union from the North the war was sparked by the elections of the 16th century. After the Union kind of won the battle of Antietam Lincoln decides to make The Emancipation Proclamation Which freed all the black slaves in the North. Once the Emancipation Proclamation was accepted Lincoln decided to allow African Americans to join the Union Army. This decision ultimately helped the Union in winning the Civil War. When the African Americans were accepted in the Union Army they were put to do labor for the Union and later they were given the opportunity to go fight for their country …show more content…

many people at this time we're still extremely racist the slaves are free but that didn't change how people thought about them. African American soldiers what are usually used for labor work and not many of them were sent off to go fight in the war except for the 54th Massachusetts Regiment and a few other African American soldiers. The 54th Massachusetts help the Union throughout the Civil War they were known for being the first of all and tear to go assault Fort Wagner South Carolina. although assault ultimately failed. States the black Soldiers made up 10% of the Union thus given the Union a bigger advantage at winning the Civil War since the union already had more troops than the South. After African Americans had the opportunity to prove themselves in the Civil War that didn't change how the whites viewed the African Americans. Throughout the years African Americans we're slowly accepted into society it wasn't until Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, and etc. came along end change the lives of all African Americans in the United States. Overall having African Americans join the Union Army helped the Union when the Civil War by giving them more opportunities and giving them a higher chance of winning the Civil

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