Research Paper On David Ray Harris

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On October 28, 1976, the unfortunate murder of the officer Robert Woods was committed. The perpetrator responsible for this murder was David Ray Harris. David was 16 at the time had been previously guilty of other crimes. In October of 1976, David Ray Harris was driving a stolen car when picking up a man by the name of Randall Adams who was in desperate need of a ride. Randelle, who later returned to his home the next day stated that the young reckless 16-year-old boy was traveling with a pistol and other weapons. Furthermore, the officer by the name of Robert Woods was later shot with a pistol giving us top-notch evidence that David Harris is, in fact, the killer. In addition, Randall reported that earlier that day David took …show more content…

It would be very unlikely that someone would shoot a pistol in a public place and not be involved in a murder that was completed with a pistol nearby. Another piece of evidence that resoundingly points to David being the suspect is that all of David's friends stated that David told them directly after the murder that he was, in fact, the person who pulled the trigger leading to Robert Woods death. David however, when put on trial denied all allegations of committing the murder. Later when he was in fact found guilty in an interview with the filmmaker of “The Thin Blue Line” by Errol Morris he stated that he was 16 and scared and delayed things because he didn't know what to do. This shows that David Harris did commit the murder however, he was young and very fretful of the consequences. Even though David was scared to admit it at first by stating that he was just scared so that's why he denies things shows us that he is most likely referring to how out of fright he denied he was the murderer. Lastly, one more piece of evidence that unquestionably proves David Harris is guilty of murder is that David had already had a crime record where he had been caught on numerous occasions stealing things and committing small crimes.

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