Day Before Thanksgiving

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It’s the day before Thanksgiving. Your mother is rushing around the kitchen trying to get it all done. As she puts the turkey in the fridge to thaw she looks at you and asks if you will make the pie. You smile and say, "Yes, I will".
First you have to get the recipe from your mom's recipe box. The recipe has been in your family since your mom's great, great grandparents came over to America from Holland. Next grab the ingredients on the list, and run over to the store if you don’t have something you need.
After you have everything, wash all the dishes in the kitchen to make room to bake. Finally, place all the ingredients on the counter, and set the oven for 350 degrees Fahrenheit. After a few years experience you will know that even though the recipe says 375 you can bake it at 350 for 10 minutes longer.
While the oven is warming, mix together two-thirds cup sugar, one-third cup flour, one tablespoon fresh ground cinnamon, and one-quarter teaspoon fresh ground cloves. After mixing together the spices set them aside and core and slice four granny smith apples and four honey crisp apples. Mix the cored and sliced apples with the set aside spices till all of the apples are evenly coated. Set the mix aside to marinate while you make the crust. …show more content…

Family is showing up. All the people you only see once or twice a year are here to try your masterpiece. Well some are here more for the football, and some are here because their parents dragged them to your house at gun point, but there are some people here to eat food and hang out and have some fun. It is the comments you get back from these people that matter. When all of the people are there, and when everyone is crammed in every possible crack of your house, the host stands and silences the mob of famished people trying to not consume all the food on the table. He bows his head and says a prayer. When he looks up he has a twinkle in his eyes as he utters the best words known to man, "dig

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