Disadvantages Of Redbots

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Oh no! This man will die if he does not get his medicine! BB the redbot is on his way to give him the pills. Redbots are robots that can be programmed in multiple ways. BB the Medbot is constructed and coded to carry medicine around the hospital. Redbots provide services, improve the quality of life and have social, economic, and political implications of their function. There are unlimited possibilities with the redbot, but limited materials and time. The process of raising a redbot is tiring and hard, but worth every second. Redbots are here to contribute to our world through one service at a time.

BB 's prime directive is to deliver medicine and other medical supplies such as bandages, pills, and cotton balls. In a hospital, this will have a significant impact on the lives of needy people. It may also do larger services after future developments have been made, (such as surgery, operations, and acting as an actual doctor.) BB may save a life or two when employed. Medbots are a brand new …show more content…

Pros include more family time for people, assistance in the hospital, less food and water consumption, and less work. The cons include necessity of new laws, restrictions, injuries, and safety issues. There needs to be a guard near by in case someone tries to steal medicine, and someone may trip on a medbot, causing a risk of more injury. Also, there will need to be laws protecting medbots from assault. People may get mad because they may trip on a medbot. Also, someone may have to make sure it does not stop or break in mid delivery. There are pros and cons, but all act towards the greater …show more content…

Lives will be saved, which is good. Laws will have to be passed, witch is bad. People will be helped faster, but some people will lose their whole career to a little red robot. All in all, with medbots in hospitals across the world, our planet will be a better and safer

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