Diversity In The Workplace

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Strange how a single word can cause a rush and mix of emotions, how a meaning of a word can be perceived one way to a person and a very different way to another. While still in this day in age many people are still a bit hesitant accepting “different” or change, while others will welcome the unknown with open arms. I am talking about diversity, the exact thing that makes this world such an amazing place to learn, grow and have amazing experiences. Imagine a world filled with people who all looked alike, dressed the same, had the same interests and all had the same beliefs, thoughts and ideas. Sure there might be less war, less bullying, less arguments, which we would all agree that would be an upside, but we would lose our individuality and …show more content…

Being able to reach and market to consumers of different racial, cultural and ethnic backgrounds allows organizations to have a piece of the increasing market share. Being relevant in the global market will build business relationships and opportunities, these benefits and perks will run down to employees, allowing opportunities for development and promotion. Reputations of companies who support a diverse workplace often thrive, because they are viewed as fair and ethical and people want to work with or work for a positive, feel good company that has growth potential for individuals. Typically an outcome of having a positive reputation is that more people will want to work and be a part of that company, giving a company or organization a larger pool of talented and qualified applicants to choose from. Of course an organization’s shareholders priorities is that the business is productive and profitable while meeting set goals and being socially responsible, but the benefits of a diverse workplace trickles down to employees as

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