Diversity In The Workplace

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Diversity is critical for an organization’s ability to innovate and adapt to a fast-changing global market. Some of the most successful businessmen will tell you the same thing. Diversity is essential to growth and prosperity of any company in the following areas: level of experience, different cultures, genders, and age. Why? Because diversity brings forth innovation. And innovation gives business success.
One of the biggest reasons to employ a diverse workforce is to promote innovation. Whether it be an employee or a manager whether that manager be mid-level or entry level, but when everyone in the work force has a similar culture, the creativity that drives innovation is very similar. This is why diversity is so important in businesses. …show more content…

First, acknowledge,and appreciate that their are many different cultures. Coca-Cola demonstrated this back in 2000 when they were sued because of racial discrimination, but in 2013 Coca-Cola is named by Diversity Inc. magazine number two on the list of Top 10 companies for Blacks and number ten on the Top 10 companies for Latinos (Robbins, p. 133).Then, find ways to adapt to the new recruits rather than forcing them to adapt to the traditional office culture. Encourage the conversations of different cultures. However, Be alert for both verbal and nonverbal cues that might indicate tension. I think most causes of tension could be cultural. Also, look at how your diversity strategy and your expectations are similar and differ. FInally,Look at how diversifying affects your organization’s performance in sales, efficiencies, and how many customers gained or lost.In conclusion, diversity is more than employee statistics. America is changing, and people are carefully evaluates how a business would relate to them. If you are not diverse, consumers and employees will begin to question the leadership of your business. Diversity is an ideal which successful managers incorporate into their business. They are not the ones that build a business, then look at diversity as a nice-to-have attribute. The truly successful and innovative businesses are the ones that build diverse teams when they are just starting out in their own apartment or their parents garage.

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