Hook Idea Of Saving Sourdi

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Hook ideas? War is something that changes peoples llifes
May-Lee Chai's Saving Sourdi, is a story of a girl in need of being rescued. She has to be rescued from herself as her mind is stuck in a war which has actually ended years ago (I don’t think it ended), or in other words, a personality disorder that has been formed by psychosocial events. The girl, Sourdi, is still affected by the war. Throughout the story, all of Sourdi's decisions are influenced by her war experience and the intention to survive it. For child war victims like Sourdi, who lived in a war zone until she was nine years old, it is a wonder if there can ever be an end to the war. The trauma that children endure in a war zone is enough to last a lifetime. Not only are they …show more content…

Their remaining parents are inflicted with double the responsibility; they are in charge of their own survival as well as their children's survival, in addition to all the natural stress and life draining factors of war. When Sourdi's mother seems to be following her Cambodian culture's traditional roles for women, she is in fact just dealing with her consequential status as a war refugee. She has lost everything except for her family to war. Craving a sense of security for her and her children, she relocates them to America with nothing but their hope and few other salvaged possessions. However, these few possessions are not adequate enough to live a comfortable lifestyle. Sourdi and her sisters watch her mother's spirit and hunger for life wither away with every single crummy job she was forced to take on in order to provide for her family. "I'm tired," (Chai) she admits. Sometimes she would completely lose her sense of hope and sense of purpose. "Ma grew depressed and smoked too much and looked at us though she wished we'd never been born" (Chai). Perhaps she thinks that would have been a better option for her daughters than the life she could ever provide them …show more content…

Sourdi had crossed minefields with her family, her sister on her back, in terrible and desperate times of need. She remembers the feel and smell of the disfigured corpses under her feet; however, she has by then become numb or scared enough to dehumanize them as mere stepping stones. Sourdi dreams of "running away" (Chai) from her memories and responsibilities, with her sister and then with her boyfriend, Duke, but something is stopping her. The moment she experiences a taste of freedom in a secluded field, she tries to run back to reality and starts to cry because of the guilt she feels for her betrayal and because of her fear of the unfamiliar feeling of

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