Immigration Persuasive Essay

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Since Trump was elected to be the President of United States of America, he has been terrorizing immigrants here in the U.S. He tried many ways to eliminate and reduce the number of immigrants in the U.S. as much as possible. I recently discovered that President Trump is trying to end DACA plan. DACA or Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals was initiated by Obama to helps undocumented immigrants traveling with children and allows their kids to stay in the United State to study, work, and they may obtain legal identifications. Now, President Trump decided to end DACA. I am against everything Trump does since he became President, However, his decision to end DACA program has been difficult for me to accept. My great grandfather was an immigrant; …show more content…

Migrated from one country to another was probably the hardest challenge for many people, leaving family behind and most importantly who they are. I’ve heard many stories about immigrant families who are trying to make their American dream come true. Trump was also an immigrant, his parents migrated from German to the United State. I feel like he should’ve known how it feels to be an immigrant. I feel like all American residents and citizens are immigrants, However, many of American still having trouble accepting the fact that we all immigrant. I came to realize about this matter when my grandfather and I were having our weekly conversation in his backyard. I remembered vividly because it was raining heavily that day and since we both like the rains, we decided to stay out. My grandfather told me the time when he and his parents emigrated from Africa in 1940, He was just five years old. He explained that he can’t remember how he gets into the states but he said it wasn’t pleasant. I think he remembered what happened but he just trying to spare my feeling. After my grandfather told me about how he migrated to the States, he continued his story by telling me when he and his parents finally made it to the states he and his parents were unable to find a place to stay, however, my great grandfather has a friend in the states that help him and his family to stay with him until my great grandfather find a stable job. It took my great grandfather months to find a job in the US due to his immigrant status and his education level, but when he finally gets a job as an office clerk. After three months being an office clerk, my great grandfather eventually can afford to rent a one-bedroom apartment. My grandfather told me how irritating he was that he has to sleep on the couch for almost four years because his

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