Juror's Paragraph In 12 Angry Men

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Cierra Egerton Why Juror 10 Wasn’t A Fit Juror Member Paragraph.

In the play 12 angry men by Reginald Rose there were several unfit jurors to sit on a jury but by far juror #10 stood out the most to me as being the most unfit. First off the first line to come out of juror number tens mouth shows what his clear opinion of the boy and the whole situation is. Juror number 10 says "It’s tough to figure, isn’t it? A kid kills his father. Bing! Just like that. Well, it’s the element. They let the kids run wild. Maybe it serves ‘em right" (17).Coming into this situation right from the start without even getting into a discussion about everything he starts talking bad about the father and son. It tells us a lot …show more content…

In addition, in act 1 he clearly states his opinion and makes it clear he is a racist. When everybody is discussing their feelings towards the situation juror #10 comes out and says “I don’t mind telling you this, mister. We don’t owe him a thing. He got a fair trial, didn’t he? You know what that trial cost? He’s lucky he got it. Look, we’re all grownups here. You’re not going to tell us that we’re supposed to believe him, knowing what he is. I’ve lived among ‘em all my life. You can’t believe a word they say. You know that " (19).From that statement alone it shows us that he is indeed a racist and should not being sitting on a jury, in a case where a man’s life is in the hands of these 12 men, and if he is going to judge based off of race makes it impossible to have a fair trial. Finally, as the play goes on more and more jurors are changing to a not guilty vote because of the facts being provided and realizing this boy could very much be innocent but juror number 10 stands where he has been the whole play claiming the boy is guilty. He is one of the last men to change his vote. In act three he makes a very long speech which doesn’t make a majority of the jurors very happy. Juror 10 says “don’t understand you people. How can you believe this kid

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