Loma Linda Student Application Essay Examples

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Coming from a different culture but still embracing the Christian values that Loma Linda University emphasizes, I believe that my unique background and personal experiences distinguish my application from others. Growing up in Egypt, where the gap between social classes is significant, my parents always stressed the need to prioritize service into my life encouraging me to dedicate time in volunteering and helping others. As a result, my experience has grown from volunteering to serve as a camp leader for orphans in the summer to participating in international dental service trips. These involvements would allow me to use my skills in organizing missions trips at Loma Linda. Being a Coptic Orthodox Christian enables me to add diversity to the …show more content…

I have developed leadership qualities when my Tae Kwon Do coach trusted me to lead our team during national championships. This has led me to then hold various leadership positions in undergraduate and dental school clubs. Moreover, my critical thinking abilities have excelled from being a mathematics and physics tutor. Tutoring has always challenged me to think outside the box in complicated problems, and this would allow me to use my creative skills when facing complex cases in my field. Persistence is another key element that is crucial in success. I have learned persistence firsthand when I took the decision to immigrate to the United States as a teenager. Even though I have faced multiple multiple challenges, faith, hard work, and persistence have gotten me to where I am today, and I could not be more proud. I believe that my Christian faith, cultural backgrounds, community service experience, leaderships skills, and creative thinking nature are the perfect match for the Orthodontic and Dentofacial Orthopedics Program. As I proceed with working towards my dream, I am reminded of the blessings that God has given me and how I could impact others with my talents. Sir Winston Churchill once said, “We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we

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