Louisbourg: The Fortress Of Louisbourg

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The Fortress of Louisbourg

Imagine the smell of fresh baked bread, the hammering of the blacksmith and the marching of soldiers. This is what it would have been like in the Fortress of Louisbourg and what it has been made into again today. Louisbourg was built to protect the entrance into the St Lawrence, which was the key to the rest of New France, during the time when New France and the Thirteen colonies were fighting over North America, in the 1700s. In this essay I’m going to tell you about the history of the Fortress of Louisbourg. I’m going to do this first by telling about the people who lived there and it’s economy, then about it getting captured two times, and finally I will tell about its rebuilding into a historic site and what …show more content…

The Thirteen colonies knew Louisbourg was a key to the rest of New France. In the winter of 1744-45 the House of Representatives voted to take action and sailed for Louisbourg. Governor Shirley of Massachusetts assembled about 4000 men and Connecticut and New Hampshire 100 men. On May 3rd 1745 several British warships joined the attack. The French sent messages to France for reinforcement but didn’t get any. On May 11th the British arrived and sent troops ashore. The French raced troops to the landing spot but were quickly pushed back into the Fortress of Louisbourg. The British turned upon the fortress unorganized and were forced back by heavy cannon fire. Then the British surrounded the Fortress of Louisbourg. Throughout June there was various attacks and counter attacks. The French were running low on gunpowder, and exhausted from fighting and repairing damage done on the fortress. The French twice attempted to send for relief supplies, but both failed. On June 26th , the British were ready to make a massive attack on the Fortress of Louisbourg. The French knew their situation was helpless with no relief in sight, so they surrendered. France was stunned that New Englanders had managed most of the attacks. There was much celebration in London and Boston but that was quickly forgotten becauses the Fortress of Louisbourg …show more content…

It is fascinating in three ways; the first way is, it had a unique society and industry, another is that throughout it’s history the Fortress of Louisbourg changed hands a number of times becauses of war and treaties. Finally the Fortress of Louisbourg has been rebuilt as a National Historic Park so that you can see the wonder of the Fortress of Louisbourg yourself. The Fortress of Louisbourg was of great significance to Canada because it was the most fortified city in Canada and the British had to get through it before they could conquer the rest of Canada. If the Fortress of Louisbourg was built the first there New France would have been captured What I have learned as a christian from this essay is that we shouldn’t put our trust in worldly things such as fortresses and armies, but that we should put our trust in the only sovereign God. Psalm 46:6, 7 “ 6The nations rage, the kingdoms totter; he utters his voice, the earth melts. “7The LORD of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress.” Psalm 118:8 ,9 “8It is better to take refuge in the LORD than to trust in man. 9 It is better to take refuge in the LORD than to trust in princes.” From my essay I have learned a lot, not just about the Fortress of Louisbourg but also more about God and I am glad you could

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