Olympics 1984 Frank Romero Analysis

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In Frank Romero's mural "Going to the Olympics,1984" what you see is various of colorful cars on the freeway or road and on top of the car there are hearts on each one. The possible meaning of it is because everyone does love their cars. Also in the image there is a blimp that says "A Good Year" mostly because it was related to the olympics or a form of advertisment. You also see some wrestlers, and a iron. The wrestlers I would say that represent the olympics and the iron is a flying iron back then was used as a spaceship in the movies as i was told. I would of thought that it was like "lets go pump some iron" but every symbol has a different meaning.

In Romero's mural "Going to the Olympic,1984", he might feel about our cities car culture is that its an important part of our lives in L.A. thats why he made the cars colorful and put hearts on top of them. the artist choice of color sets the mood of the picture in Los Angeles because it was a vibrant image and when people are driving on the freeway they get bored so when you see it i think that people will get in a better mood. the mural makes you think a lot of why he choose those colors and why those shapes. The mood that the mural shows …show more content…

LA does have issues with vandalism and graffiti as shown in Romero's mural in 2009 you can tell that a lot has happened through out the years you can see lots of graffiti all over. Romero's art is now ruined, this is all because of some "taggers". In the "LA Times" newspaper article Romero states " if restoration is not possible he wants the mural removed to another safer spot." In 2013 the city of Los Angeles decided to just cover the mural that Romero put his sweat and tears to paint. The people also seemed to enjoy looking at it while they passed the freeway. The city covered it up with a coat of grey so now it looks very empty without that

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