Personal Narrative: A Juror's Trial

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It was a very hot summer day. I remember one of the jurors talking about how it was a record breaking day. I was tired and a bit tense. I hated doing things in the heat. I mean, who would ever want to work in the heat, especially when a person’s life is at stake? I thought to myself, how will I get through the day with all this heat? I couldn’t even properly listen to the case in the courtroom. I had a feeling that this trial would end very fast. First, we all took a vote. I was pretty sure that everyone would vote guilty. However, I was wrong. That darn Juror 8. He got on my nerve. I could have went home and rested, but he had to vote guilty.I wanted to know why he would vote not guilty. Then when I asked, you wouldn’t believe what he said

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