Personal Narrative: My Life As A US Citizen

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Being a U.S. Citizen, I have taken the luxuries of life here for granted. Clean water, food, shelter, and free education are a few of the advantages I obtained. It has been a pleasure to have these opportunities, and I did not realize that there are people in this world who do not obtain these essential necessities in life. After I complete my education, I not only intend to give back to my local community, but I also want to serve those dying from poverty in my home country. Both my parents are from Bangladesh. When my sister was five years old, they decide to come to Florida since the U.S. has superior options that my family could experience rather than staying there. It was arduous for them to leave all of my aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandparents. However, they needed to accept the consequences due to the exhausting conditions my family was experiencing during that time. While my parents were living here, they decided to have another child so that our family can expand beautifully. Consistently, I felt like there was a piece missing, my relatives. I always spoke with them over the phone, yet never saw them physically. When I was seven …show more content…

Whenever there is a chance to assist, I gladly joined in on the event. So far, I worked with children with disabilities, the elderly, and also homeless people. I worked in a way so that the children and adults can acquire a break from reality, forget the disparity they may be encountering, and appreciate their time. Going out to comfort society brings me joy because they all have different stories and experiences, which are truly nice to hear. They truly do make a valuable impact on the community since they are striving for resolutions. I plan on continuing to work with the populations who are in need within my local community by participating in events where I can donate my time to make sure that the humankind are at

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