Personal Statement: Educational Pathway

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Educational Pathway As soon as I became a high school junior the people around me started to demand that I choose my future occupation immediately. They told me that I needed to choose an occupation that offers a high salary. Feeling pressured, I considered occupations in the medical field and in the field of law. By nature, I am an artistic and an investigative individual so I wasn’t surprised when I didn’t enjoy volunteering at the hospital. I realized that no amount of money can make a person content with their lives. Since then, I’ve promised myself that I won’t let people influence my decision. I want to live a content life and I want to be financially stable. I want to learn new things about myself every day and I want …show more content…

I chose to the Human Resources field because there are many departments within the occupation. Other than the financial benefits, I will have to opportunity to help others through recruiting, training and development, and performance appraisal. I plan to work in one of the previously mentioned departments. I believe that I will utilize my investigative side the most as a HR Manager. People that are investigative advance society by contributing ideas that will help improve the lives of others. In addition, they enjoy problem solving and challenges. I know that these traits will aid me in my journey because the Human Resources field tends to focus on ways employee productivity could be amplified. They have figure how the payroll should be distributed and they must come up with ways to keep the company relevant. I believe that my analytical and patient nature will be of use to the field. In addition, I am unafraid to take the lead if something is not being done and I am not afraid of asking for help when I need …show more content…

I plan to get my Bachelor’s Degree in Business Management. During my time at A&T, I plan to take advantage of all the opportunities that are offered to me. I want to explore other things that does not include my major because I know it will help me become versatile. I also want to make strong connections with my peers while I am at A&T so by the time I graduate I will have gained a dedicated support system. Finally, I plan to maintain a 4.0 GPA throughout college. I want to achieve and uphold a 4.0 GPA solely for myself. I always want to do better than I previously did. I believe that it will enable me to grow and accomplish things that I never thought I

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