Rocket Project Essay

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INTRODUCTION The purpose of this report is to explain how culture influenced Rocket Lab from its early development up to its continuous progression. It also includes probable reasons on why the company decided to transfer their main office to the US, while keeping the New Zealand office as a subsidiary. As a multinational organization, we also aim to attest what are the specific factors that may have influence their success and what are the possible obstacles they would encounter in the long run. There are also several recommendations that Rocket Lab can take into account as they continue to progress on the global scale. BACKGROUND Rocket Lab is an aerospace corporation founded by CEO Peter Beck in 2006. The company’s main objective is to remove barriers to commercial space by providing fast and affordable launch opportunities to businesses that may need them. (Rocket Lab, n.d.) With Rocket Lab’s continuous growth and innovation, they were able to reach space in 2009 through ATEA-1, which is a suborbital sounding rocket. (Wikipedia, 2017) This launch was declared partially successful because the payload was not recovered and no recorded flight data. In 2013, Rocket Lab has been granted funding by the New Zealand government though Callaghan Innovation Growth Grants Program. With this back up from the government along with the investments from K1W1 …show more content…

Individualism, which is one the dimensions, is evidently where Rocket Lab falls under. As we all know, New Zealand, is an isolated country and this may be the reason why they scored highly in individualism. This type of society exhibits ties that are loose between individuals and in which freedom and individual achievement is highly valued. (Charles Hill, 2015) With this kind of culture, it’s more likely for people to be resourceful and imaginative in both their personal and business

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