Similarities Between Rowlandson And Anne Bradstreet

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Mary Rowlandson and Anne Bradstreet were two distinct women both having solid religious beliefs. Their strong Puritan qualities permitted them to survive the thorough battles that they continued in their lives. Mary Rowlandson 's battles included her imprisonment by the Indians, where she was expelled from her family with the exception of her sickly daughter. Anne battled with her confidence and her acknowledgment as a writer, since colonial women were for the most part not permitted to be scholars. Despite the fact that their battles were one of a kind to their circumstances, both Rowlandson and Bradstreet expressed themselves and conquered their troubles through their comparable beliefs.

Anne Bradstreet’s poem entitled, The Prologue, consists …show more content…

The accompanying passage happens in stanza 7 and is found towards the end of the poem: Let Greeks be Greeks, and women what they are; Men have precedency and still excel, It is but vain unjustly to wage war; Men can do best, and women know it well Preeminence in all and each is yours; Yet grant some small acknowledgment of ours. (Bradstreet 209)
The passage above declares the male 's roles in the Puritan culture and that women like Bradstreet comprehend that. On the other hand, Anne Bradstreet needs praise, a little thankfulness, and acknowledgment for the work and role women play in the public eye. Subsequent to deriding men in the poem, she recognizes and gives them commending praise yet requests the same in return. This stanza demonstrates to the readers the contention of tension the public arena with men and women. In the fourth line of the poem, Bradstreet portrays her disappointment with the Puritan 's thought of the place of a woman. By saying …show more content…

Though religion is a very important theme in Rowlandson’s narrative, another theme that s reflected in it is the role of women, similar to Anne Bradstreet’s theme. The female role of maternity is rehashed all throughout the narrative as Rowlandson mediates over her kids. She is delineated as caring to her most youthful, Sarah, until her death where upon her misery as a mother permits her to act strangely for her society; “‘at any other time I could not bear to be in the room where any dead person was, but now the case is changed; I must and could lie down by my dead babe” (Rowlandson 275). She also reflects that, “I have thought since of the wonderful goodness of God to me in preserving me in the use of my reason and sense in that distressed time” (Rowlandson 276). Then she even quickly considered departure, probably death, from what could be saw God 's will brings home her trouble at the opportunity to the reader, however her overcoming such a trial is the thing that takes into consideration her proceeded status. This is contrary to "Joslin" another caught lady whom Rowlandson encounters, Joslin however succumbs to her pain and begged the, “ Indians to let her go home…and yet vexed with her importunity…they knocked her on the head, and the child in her arms” (Rowlandson 284). The comparative favors Rowlandson, as she defeated the trial and martyred herself to suffering God 's will rather than battling His will and enduring a more awful destiny as an outcome.

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