Summary Of Friday Night Lights By Buzz Bissinger

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It is a cool Friday evening, 20,000 people are filing into a stadium, the highly anticipated game is between Odessa's Permian Panthers and Midland Lee's Rebels. This game between two local High schools, exemplifies the football-heavy atmosphere that is characteristic of West Texas as described by Buzz Bissinger in his book: Friday Night Lights. In the book, Buzz Bissinger writes a sociology account of Odessa in 1988, Odessa is a town in West Texas that depends entirely on oil for its income. The book becomes an account of the players of the 1988 Permian Panthers football team. Buzz Bissinger portrays how the game of football can bring a community together and how it can grow into an obsession, as evidenced by the dynamic characterization of the game of football and the intimate details of how the game football affects the players themselves. …show more content…

Boobie’s story starts off looking very bright, as he is the best tailback in his division, and has received many college offers. However before the 1988 season can even start, he messes up his knee and can never play football like he had before. “But privately, Trapper's assessment was different. As a trainer, he dealt with knee injuries all the time. His gut told him it was something serious, an injury that might prevent Boobie from ever playing football again the way he once had” (Bissinger, 58). As Trapper undoubtedly know, Boobie is a one trick pony, who has nothing to do in life but play football. Thus though Boobie Miles the worst effect of playing football is revealed: that being better at football is more important than education in West Texas. However, that only scratches the surface of the many emotional and mental challenges that face the players of the 1988 Permian Panthers

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