Clinical Practice Guidelines

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Clinical practice guideline having much importance to improve the patient care outcomes and safety from complications. Nurses role as health care provider, depend on multi-disciplinary knowledge and experience to use of clinical practice guidelines to promote their nursing practices. Nursing staff adherence to clinical practices guidelines is help in improving patient safety in hospital. The purpose of this study is exploring the factors that promotes and inhibit adherence to clinical practices. This research based on systematic literature review and quantitative evaluation of research results. In this study, population is comprised of registered nurses who are working in Jinnah hospital Lahore is included except critical areas, head nurses and other health …show more content…

These are two potential of nurses one is misconduct when guidelines are not adhered to and second is the factors that might promote or inhibit guideline adherence among nurses. (Davies, Edwards, Ploeg, & Virani, 2008) According to Ismaile Samantha (2014), there are similar and different promoter and barriers to adherence with clinical Practice guidelines. The two main factors that impact to adherence with clinical practice guidelines among nurses, one is environmental factors that are patient, organization, standard guidelines, and second is personal factors which included knowledge, attitude, and skills, intention. The primary promoters for adherence to clinical practice guidelines among clinicians ( Nurses) that can be helpful to utilizing the evidence base clinical practice guideline are focused on standardized patient care, optimize outcomes of patient care, clinicians are familiar with guidelines according to habit and routine, and guidelines are readily accessible and easy to utilize.(Keiffer,

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