Sexual Violence In The Workplace Essay

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Rape and sexual violence affects millions of people each year. Anyone, regardless of race, gender, or sexuality can experience these tragedies. Rape is someone taking advantage of someone sexually. Sexual assault can be verbal, physical, or anything that forces a person to join in unwanted sexual contact or attention. Sexual assault and rape are serious social and widespread health issues. Women are overwhelmingly the victims of these actions, while men are nearly always the perpetrators. This can be proven when analyzing how women clearly do not experience equality in regards to gender hierarchy, the prevalent abuse of power by men in the workplace, and the underreporting of sexual violence and how it is rarely seriously prosecuted.

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The administration intentionally overlooked the sexual crime Bill Clinton committed which is problematic because sexual harassment is degrading and should be dealt with seriously. Bill Clinton was supposed to be held to a higher standard and expectation so his wrongdoing should have shocked the administration not encourage them to protect him (Yglesias 1). Moreover, people are not directly acknowledging sexual harassment in the workplace. Instead, some perpetrators are fired, the issue is forgotten, and the continuance of sexual harassment is not properly addressed. Firing the perpetrator is a great start, but there needs to be ongoing awareness of sexual harassment and discussions among men and women about how to identify and prevent it (“A Reckoning” …show more content…

Often, there is not enough information given regarding the situation of the sexual misconduct. Medical-data collection systems need to improve for the benefit of the victims and future situations. If the report is not thorough then the proper justice may not be served (“Femicide”). Improving other countries’ methods for measuring violence against women can increase awareness about sexual assault world-wide. This can aid in understanding the importance of the problem and the best course of action to take. Its is crucial to use adequate research to test and establish effective methods for addressing violence against women (“Violence Against Women”

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