Theme Of Insomnia In Macbeth

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Insomnia In the play Macbeth, Shakespeare shows the consciences of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth and how each one suffers when sleep is altered by their evil acts. This intricate use of sleep deprivation was used to indicate future turmoil. Sleep is a word that many associate with rest and being able to function. However, when used throughout Macbeth, it becomes a reflection of inner unrest. Many believe that Macbeth’s insomnia is closely related to the guilt he begins to carry throughout the play, and his guilt plays a big part in causing that insomnia or disturbed sleep of his. Macbeth is a slave to his insomnia. Lady Macbeth is also very disturbed and walks around in her sleep, trying to rub away the traces of her crime. Their consciences keep them awake to think about the sins they have committed and their thoughts constantly torture them until they confess. Therefore, insomnia can be a result of not only guilt but also multiple underlying psychological issues including anxiety …show more content…

Schizophrenia is usually undiagnosed until later in life. Just like PDD, PTSD or post traumatic stress disorder, is a mental disorder that can also affect people of any age. PTSD is caused/ triggered by a traumatic experience or life altering event. With these things in mind, one can easily say that the troubled minds of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth can be due to a number of any modern day psychological

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