Three Beasts In Dante's Inferno

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In the very beginning of Dante’s story, he is walking through the middle journey of his life, in a dark forest. While Dante is wandering around, seeking a way out, he comes across three beasts: a leopard, a lion, and a she-wolf. These three beasts each have their own purpose and meaning as to why they cross paths with Dante just before his travels. The leopard represents lust, the lion pride, and the she-wolf avarice or greed. They represent different types of sin, almost foreshadowing or giving Dante a taste of what is to come. Sin is still commonly talked about in churches yet it seems that a large majority of the world has begun to turn away from religion and thus turn away from acknowledging sin. The she-wolf could commonly be seen as the …show more content…

Virgil is all of the noble virtues of the perfect Roman and represents wisdom and reason to aid Dante. He may act differently during the different areas through hell, but most importantly, he is protective of Dante, reminding him multiple times not to be sympathetic of the damned souls. He is both a tour guide to all of the details of hell and a tour guide to help Dante understand himself. Virgil’s symbolic job is to represent God’s decisions and views on justice through the multiple scoldings to Dante about not pitying those deserving to be punished. Virgil really is one of the most important characters of the book and has a lot to add to Dante’s points on God and His …show more content…

Machiavelli generally believes that laws are good when followed naturally from a good military. He even states that war is necessary and is generally the cause of states that are well-formed and successful. Throughout the book, the idea of a good war is created along with how to fortify cities, treat newly found humans in new territories, and to prevent problems with domestic politics. He also believes that more than just the military is needed throughout a war. International diplomacy, geography, history, and tactical strategy are all described by the author. One example Machiavelli uses is Italy, who was put through power struggles for many years. The ideas Machiavelli demonstrates really are interesting while showing his own character at the same

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