Why Is The Zimmermann Telegram Important

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The Zimmermann Note The Zimmermann Note or Telegram, could have changed America’s past forever. Many people knew that America would eventually get involved in World War I in 1917, but nobody knew that they would get involved because of the interception of the Zimmermann Telegram. If it wasn’t for the British code breakers, the relationship America has with other nations would be totally different than it is today. The Zimmermann note was the straw that broke the camels back. Woodrow Wilson had no intentions of entering the war but after the Germans sank the American civilian ships and then the interception of the Zimmermann note it became inevitable that we had to join. The Zimmermann telegram was intercepted on January 16, 1917 by the British code breakers. The note was written by Arthur Zimmermann who was the German Foreign Minister and was intended to be delivered to Heinrich von …show more content…

The news reporters Then when the American people found out, they became furious but also on edge. They didn’t know if Mexico was going to attack them at any moment, but what was probably the scariest thing for them was that Germany said they were going to resume unrestricted submarine warfare. After the sinking of the Lusitania and several other U.S. ships Americans were on edge and were very unhappy to hear that the germans were going to continue this barbaric act. The American people then put a lot of pressure on president Woodrow Wilson to make a decision. This put president Wilson in a tough spot because his whole campaign to get re elected was backed the slogan “He kept us out of War”, but now he had to make a decision. On April second President Wilson made his war proposal to congress, shortly after America was now involved in World War

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