Andrew Jackson: A Great American President

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Andrew Jackson was the 7 president of the United States from 1829 to 1837. He was elected by popular vote and he sought to act as the direct representative of the common man. He received sporadic education and read law for two years. He engaged in brawls and killed a man in a duel. He was a major general in the war of 1812 and he was born in 1767 in the Carolinas. He was nicknamed Old Hickory. Andrew Jackson married to Rachel Donelson who was born in 1767 in Pittsylvania county. She was eight of eleven children and when she was 12 her father led her and a group of others on a journey down the Cumberland river for nearly 1,000 miles in what today is the middle of Tennessee. They became some of the first white settlers of nashville Tennessee. …show more content…

He was president from March 4 1829 to March 4 1837. In 1824 Andrew Jackson lost the presidential election to John Quincy Adams. In 1828 Andrew Jackson won the election against John Adams Jackson's vice president was John C. Calhoun. In 1832 Andrew Jackson ran against Henry Clay and won Andrew Jackson's vice President was Martin Van Buren. Andrew Jackson supported states rights and the expansion of slavery to the West. He also had a role in the forced relocation of the Native Americans West of the Mississippi River. Some people would consider Andrew Jackson to be a great president because he did things like revolutionizing presidential campaigning. He also used the power to veto bills that he saw unfit. Some people would say that Andrew Jackson was a terrible president because he made the Indians move and he abused the power to veto to try and take more control over congress. Instead of running on a party platform Andrew Jackson appealed to the people. Andrew Jackson got people more involved with presidential elections and won their votes with all of his public exposure. Today presidential elections are held like Andrew Jackson making him the first modern president. Andrew Jackson was president from March 4 1829 to March 4

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