William Rowe Point Of View Of God Essay

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If god is so powerful and controls everything then why is there pain, deaths, natural disasters and so much sadness all over the world? That’s something an atheist would say but what if god lets these events happen for a specific reason. for example, David had a bad car accident, he is at the hospital in critical conditions. He comes from a family that believes in god, right before he passes away David tells his mom not to worry that god has called upon him and he is going to a better place. As a Christian looking at it this way it shows god working towards a greater good, in this situation death is not evil and in David’s case not feared. If god exist then the devil is also real, from my point of view as a Christian the good that happens in this world is credited to god and the evil that happens is credited to the devil. Point of view, beliefs and experience play a big role on how someone interprets a bad situation (evil) and a good situation. Philosophers like William Rowe’s have arguments that support one and not the other, then you have philosophers like Anselm of Canterbury that would argue the opposite of William Rowe’s point of view. Using philosopher’s arguments, …show more content…

I agree with Socrates, I don’t know what comes after death so therefore, I shouldn’t fear it. However, it is very easy to disagree with Socrates as well. What if after death, the men goes through the most painful and terrifying experience someone could ever experience? Since we are not certain on what comes next after death? So, the fear of death comes down to the person personal assessment on death its self. Death is the only thing that’s 100% certain to happen in this universe, now, is death evil or good? No one will have an answer for that. However, the way you live before dying could be evil or good, which can lead to the statement of “he died as a good man” or “he died an evil

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