A Study in Scarlet Essays

  • Sherlock Holmes, A Study In Scarlet, By Arthur Conan Doyle

    1932 Words  | 8 Pages

    As the times changed around Doyle so did his writings; Doyle was 27 when he wrote his first Sherlock Holmes piece, A Study In Scarlet, and within a three-week writing period, he made quite a few mishaps within the novella. Doyle depicted against Mormons in A Study in Scarlet and although many historical moments were involved, his fictional portrayal accentuated his distaste. His personal distaste for Mormonism translated once again into his writings

  • Textual Analysis Of A Video Game

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    Most are in an agreement that the fundamentals of a great detective come from A Study in Scarlet. It is delivered through the eyes of John Watson to convey to the readers his perspective of the adventures with Sherlock Holmes. I propose that a video game should be made as an adaptation of those adventures. The narrator of the game will be the audience and they will have to solve crimes alongside the famous Sherlock Holmes. Everything will be told through the eyes of John Watson or Mary Watson to

  • What Is Sherlock Holmes Mental Illness

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    A Study in Scarlet, written by Arthur Doyle, depicts a murder case where a man, who goes by the name of Sherlock Holmes, uncovers the killer. To many Sherlock is a genius and to some there is something that lies underneath the persona he has. Examining the character of Sherlock Holmes, ones to believe he might have an underlying psychological issue. The personality disorder Schizoid fits Holmes because he’s antisocial and independent as well other symptoms. In the beginning of A Study in Scarlet

  • How Does Sherlock Holmes Solve The Perfect Crime

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    felt in london. The police were desperate to discover his identity; but at the end of the official investigation, no one was ever convicted of these crimes. The Jack the Ripper case coincidentally coincided with Sir Conan Doyle’s first novel “A Study in Scarlet”, whose titular character, Sherlock Holmes, is a famous detective known for his detailed oriented approach to solve mysteries. His unparalleled skills of observation, application of information, and deduction allowed him to solve criminal cases

  • Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Research Paper

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    While without the creative mind of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, there would be no great detective Sherlock Holmes. Doyle created not only a detective but, the world’s famous fictional character (shmoop.com.) By looking at A Study in Scarlet one can see that Sir Arthur Conan Doyle included the themes of revenge and friendship because those are the most valuable aspects in life. He was known and is still known for his literature and arts as his family was indeed too. Arthur Conan Doyle was born in

  • The Most Well-Known Detective Hero In Literature

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    Sherlock Holmes, one of the most well known detective hero’s in literature, was created by, Arthur Conan Doyle in 1887. A Study in Scarlet introduced the readers to the duo Sherlock Holmes and John Watson in a way that makes solving puzzles and fighting for justice in a way seems unnatural yet cool. The story is broken into two parts. The firs part starts out where the reader, learns about Dr. John Watson’s military past and him in search of a roommate. We are then introduced to Watson’s new and

  • Sherlock Holmes Research Paper

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    One of the most, if not the most, famous detectives of all time is Sherlock Holmes. In Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s novel A Study in Scarlet, the reader gets a first impression of Holmes and his approach to solving a certain case. Although he is peculiar, there is no doubt that anyone in the 19th century could pick up clues and solve the mystery, especially since science and deduction was not widely acknowledged by people . To reach success in his cases, Holmes spends countless hours reading and studying

  • American Doyle Accomplishments

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    classmates and harshly punished by his advisors. When Arthur Conan Doyle graduated from Stonyhurst College in 1876, he was expected to follow in his parent’s artful footsteps. However, the choice to register in medicine shocked his parents. He began his studies at Edinburgh University. At the University, he was fortunate enough to meet classmates and future writers. While a medical student, he took his first endeavor at writing. His peers encouraged him to publish his works. During his third year at school

  • Holmes And Morrisons Essay

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    My thoughts on A Study in Scarlet: Detective literature is not something that everyone enjoys reading. It is a very challenging genre to read because of the different takes it has on the reader. While reading A Study in Scarlet, I was able to see who Sherlock Holmes and Dr. John Watson really were. Not only being able to learn how they got along with being each other’s roommates but in general. I never really was able to get hooked on one of Arthur Conan Doyle’s books until now and I am sadden I

  • The Sign Of Four: A Literary Analysis

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    I have always loved Sherlock Holmes and read many adaptations and also watch the TV – series of it. “The Sign of four” is the second novel after “A Study in Scarlet” featuring Sherlock Holmes written by Arthur Conan Doyle. Doyle creates a whole different world where we can get lost in, Sherlock is a fascinating character who is intelligent, masterful and so sure of himself. I love seeing him that how he comes to his conclusions and often surprised by what he picks up and finds. He is so observant

  • Arthur Conan Doyle's Accomplishments

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    May 22, 1859, in Edinburgh, Scotland to Charles Altamont and Mary Foley. “After Arthur reached his ninth birthday, the wealthy members of the Doyle family offered to pay for his studies. He was in tears all the way to England, where he spent seven years in a Jesuit boarding school.” Arthur hated the bigotry in his studies and rebelled at corporal punishment, “which was prevalent and incredibly brutal in most English schools of that epoch.” Arthur often wrote to his

  • Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Research Paper

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    before she passed from tuberculosis in 1906. He then later went on to marry Jeanne Leckie in 1907 and had three more children with her. Before Louise had passed Conan had been getting pretty good at his writing, his third attempt at a novel was A Study in Scarlet, the story which introduced Sherlock Holmes to the world. This was published in Mrs. Beeton's Christmas annual, in 1887. Encouraged by publishers to keep writing, Conan Doyle wrote his second Holmes mystery, The Sign of the Four, in 1890. These

  • Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Research Paper

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    University, Doyle dove into his studies. He met many influential people—of both the present and future. One of his most personal influencers was Dr. Joseph Bell, the inspiration for the infamous Sherlock Holmes. He had all the same character qualities as the detective. He was deductive, observational, and had common sense (Arthur Conan Doyle Literary Estate). Everything was going smoothly in his life, but Arthur wanted a change. Therefore, he decided to drop his studies and go on

  • Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Research Paper

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    practiced by the school against the students. In time, he found peace in storytelling and gained an audience amongst younger students. Arthur graduated from Stonyhurst College in 1876. His parents thought that he would follow in the family’s footsteps and study art, but he surprised them when he went for a medical degree at the University of Edinburgh

  • Edgar Allan Poe's Accomplishments

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    being published by the London Society, leading him to find out that “shillings might be earned in other ways then filling phials”, leading us to the point of him becoming a recognizable author. In 1888, Beeton’s Christmas Annual” published “A Study In Scarlet” which had propelled him to stardom. He wanted to explore all elements of writing, as he wrote “The Mystery Of Cloomber”, about three Buddhist monks and the afterlife, which had brought in a paranormal perspective, and he did believe in fairies

  • Comparing Watson And Watson In The Speckled Band By Conan Doyle

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    This is the first book by Sir Author Conan Doyle I have ever read. I have always heard of Sherlock Holmes and his great adventures, but I had never read or even seen the movie. At first I was a little lost, I had to honestly read it again and again. I could not tell who was telling the story. Then, I was able to tell that a man named Watson was the one telling the story. He wrote about his life how he got his Medicine degree and how he was assigned to war duties. He had also gotten shot by a bullet

  • Sherlock Holmes Research Paper

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    Sir Arthur Ignatius Conan Doyle KStJ, DL (22 May 1859 – 7 July 1930) was a British writer and physician, his most famous character was Sherlock Holmes. Arthur Ignatius Conan Doyle was born in Edinburgh on May 22, 1859, the third of ten children. From childhood only he had the talent of storytelling, wowing teachers and friends in Jesuit school with his yarns. His first published book came in 1879 with "The Mystery of Sasassa Valley" in the Chambers's Journal. At the same time, he pursued a career

  • Arthur Conan Doyle's Accomplishments

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    Abstract This research paper explores the life of the brilliant and inspirational Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, from natal until bereavement. Doyle was a distinguished British author who wrote extravagant short stories and novels. In my research paper it sightsees the magnificent but yet dreadful childhood of his early years to his impressive and spectacular later life. Doyle intention in life was to pursue his dreams in becoming a medical doctor. As Doyle studied medicine at the University of Edinburgh

  • Sherlock Holmes Research Paper

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    Arthur Conan Doyle/ The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes Arthur was the man when it came to writing mystery novels, he lead the way for future mysterious authors and also future forensic technology. He was a very detailed and analytical man when it came down to writing his novels. Why do you think Sherlock Holmes is such a brilliant character? Bullying in his early years led writing to be his only outlet. Arthur Conan Doyle is know as one of the great mystery authors, due to his very analytical and

  • Detective Assistants

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    In many detective fictions, there always been a companion by the side of the detectives. Sometimes, they act as the narrator, and shoulder the task of showing the detectives’ legendary deed of solving the case to the public. And at other times, they will act as the assistants to help the detectives do some investigation. Dupin and the narrator “I”, Holmes and Dr. Watson, Father Brown and his friend the once-bandit Flambeau, Poirot and his assistant Hasting, the list of the combination of detective