Guard Essays

  • Security Guard Research Paper

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    Security Guard can be found everywhere, whether it’s in a mall, a concert, or your school. Security Guards serve a very important purpose other than to just sit around and watch you walk through the hallways. They protect and serve everyday, to make sure you are safe. Not only do Security Guards risk their live everyday for you, but they also feel accomplish on being one too. They keep the school from going into chaos and make sure that no one suspicious come into the building, to protect the student

  • Process Essay: How To Train A Guard Dog

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    How to Train a Guard Dog? If you have a pet dog who is amiable with all the people he meets including strangers and you want him to train to make him a guard dog then this article will help you a lot. Although most of the dogs can scare anyone with their bark and alert their owners at the same time but training them to become guard dogs can help you in times of emergency. A well-trained dog will guard you at all the times and will also attack the person causing you harm. Training a dog to make him

  • Coast Guard Summary

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    1. CAPT Beauregard’s devotion to the men and women of the Coast Guard is truly evident in his personal desire to help them achieve the greatest possible measure of professional and personal success while under his command. 2. He believes in recognizing good works at the time they occur, rather than waiting on recognition until the end of a member’s tour. By bestowing on-the-spot personal awards, CAPT Beauregard proves he is always involved with what personnel are doing to make C3CEN a Center of

  • Coast Guard Essay

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    “The Coast Guard has long been known as the armed service that gets more done for less”(Coble Quotes”). This quote said by Howard Coble discusses the efficiency and hard work of the U.S Coast Guard. The USCG is part of the Department of Homeland Security. Enlisted personnel typically participate in,or support, military operations such as combat or humanitarian and disaster relief. They also operate and maintain vessels such as boats, ships and aircraft. The U.S Coast Guard is a fulfilling career

  • Coast Guard Leadership Essay

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    build mission ready Coast Guardsmen, we must provide world class deck plate leadership to our workforce. As we promote a culture of courtesy and respect for all, we will enable everyone to be dynamic and passionate leaders. Being a member of the Coast Guard demands a substantial amount of dedication. The amount of time and effort expected of you, regardless of your rate, whether you are Active Duty or Reservist, or even a family member of someone serving, is tremendous. Leadership’s responsibility is

  • Coast Guard Research Paper

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    The Coast Guard The Coast Guard is unique in that it combines military, law enforcement, humanitarian, and regulatory functions under a single organization that serves under the Department of Homeland Security. Despite reporting to the Department of Homeland Security, Title 14 stipulates that the Coast Guard is a military service and Coast Guard ships are US warships. It is the only armed service that draws its authority from Title 14 of the US Code rather than Title 10 and is the only service exempt

  • Application Essay For Coast Guard

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    1. It is with great pride and respect for this institution that I humbly request to serve as an officer in the United States Coast Guard. I am keen on continuously learning and genuinely caring about others within this organization as an officer. My military career may be brief, but I have exceeded expectations with my excellent work ethic, professionalism, and leadership. These qualities were carried over to this organization by my previous management, leadership, teachings, and training within

  • Leadership Philosophy For Coast Guard

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    organization. The greatest asset to the Coast Guard are those who rise to the challenge every single day. As a leader it is my responsibility to establish a relationship with these individuals, so that I can support them on a professional and personable level. Additionally, understanding their motivation and goals in which they strive towards, offer me the opportunity help them grow within the Coast Guard. Influences Furthermore, throughout a Coast Guard career, you will encounter different leadership

  • Personal Essay: Coast Guard Aviation

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    1. There are two main pillars in my desire to join Coast Guard Aviation. The first and foremost reason is the one that pushed me to work towards a commission within the Coast Guard and that’s service. I want to continue down a path of servant leadership and widen my sphere of influence to create positive change within the Coast Guard. The second pilar is search and rescue. Search and rescue has been my main operational focus throughout my entire career. I wish to continue developing my skills as

  • Pros And Cons Of Being A Good Guard Captain

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    I want to be a leader because I want anyone in guard and band to be able to come to me when they need help or have a problem. I want them to have someone to be able to come to that they feel comfortable with and trust. I also want to help out anyone, especially in the guard, I have been in guard since eighth grade and I think I learned a few tips and tricks to make life easier. Looking at past captains I have learned a lot about what to do and what not to do. I think those experiences are really

  • Overview Of The Correctional Officer Community In Ted Conover's Newjack

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    Newjack: Guarding Sing Sing describes the experience of a new correctional officer who works at the Sing Sing prison in Ossining, NY. In the book, Ted Conover goes into detail about the daily trials of a CO and life within the prison walls. Within these descriptions he develops a clear picture of the distinct communities which develop within the prison. Communities “are typically defined by a geographic area; however, they can also be based on shared interests or characteristics such as religion

  • Winn Correctional Case Study Stephen Bauer

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    Case Study Shane Bauer, an investigative journalist with Mother Jones, spent four months as a guard at Winn Correctional Center in Winnfield, LA from November 2014 to February 2015. Winn Correctional is a private, for-profit prison that is owned and operated by Corrections Corporation of America (CCA). It is also the oldest privately operated medium-security facility in the country (Bauer, 2016). During his time there, Bauer discovered just how terribly some of these prisons are run and the awful

  • Personal Narrative-Escobar

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    Escobar drove home in my Porsche Cayenne after a long day at the hospital. When I arrived home, I instantly smelled my wife 's Menudo Rojo cooking. “Hello Juan, why so late tonight? It 's almost nine.” my wife asked and handed me a glass of red wine. “I had a couple errands to run,” I replied. I knew I couldn 't keep lying to her about what I did after work. With a sense of guilt coursing through me, I continued over to my glass dining table and took a seat. She walked over with my meal and set

  • The Patriot Act: A Narrative Analysis

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    the alleyway, knocking over the kiosk brandishing test merchandise. A guard raised his pistol to shoot him, but at that moment Charles knocked him down with the butt of his gun. Gever looked at the newcomer. “What’s your name? Mine’s Gever Baud!” he shouted as he ran over to a gun stockpile. “Diesel, pleased to meet you!” the newcomer shouted back as he ran with him. After Gever, Diesel and the others finished off the guards, they began to make their way to the city hold. Cutting down a banner

  • Process Essay On Becoming A Lifeguard

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    Working as a lifeguard has it’s ups and downs, but in the end it 's an easy and fun summer job for teenagers. Moreover, lifeguarding teaches great skills to teenagers that they can later use to help them in life and build friendships with other guards that last a lifetime. The first step in becoming a lifeguard is the application process. The lifeguard job is appointed by the city, therefore the application and interview is held at City Hall. The application process is more competitive than

  • Clingy Lifeguard

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    they can break the rules with no repercussions, scurry behind the guard chair. Lastly, standing as close to the chair as they possibly can, the clingy kid who will not leave the guards alone, no matter what. At the pool you can see all different types of people

  • Lazy Joe Short Story

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    definition, was stupid enough to leave me and Gwen alone with only one security guard during “nap time”. And of all guards, although the staff is low because who would want to take care of a bunch of ill people right? This prison would leave us with “lazy Joe”. Have they lost their minds? Have they forgotten? Surely not, who could forget the rampage Gwen and I threw upon not having our pudding. Since that day, every guard trembles upon my presence, not to forget switching from glass cups and plates

  • Jonathan Wayne Nobles Analysis

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    transformation, from when he first went to prison to his final moments. At the beginning, Nobles was a constant problem. He would: try to avoid other inmates, escape prison, and even put himself in harm’s hands just so that he would be given a shot to harm the guards. Although, just like how Earle described it, “somewhere along the line,

  • Essay On Lord Of The Flies Vs Ralph's Leadership

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    A good leader may not be the kindest person, but the thing that matters the most is how they lead their nation. A national leader is someone who is confident, strong minded, physically strong, provides protection and provides supplies for their people. In Lord of the Flies, written by William Golding, Jack proves that he would make a better national leader than Ralph. Jack creates jobs and maintains them. He also provides safety for his people and he has an intelligent mindset of how to rule his

  • Farenheit 451 Unit 1 Dialectical Journal

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    computer that tracked the every move of the unit. The Creator controlled everything and there were rumors that he would do nasty things to the people who spoke up or opposed his rule. As Jacob was thinking, he didn’t notice he had fallen behind. A robot guard gave him a rough push with his gun and Jacob shuffled back up into the crowd. He squeezed through the tight crowd and met up with his friend, Mark. Mark always seemed so