Hippocampus Essays

  • Essay On Hippocampus

    1141 Words  | 5 Pages

    The hippocampus is a major component of the brains of humans and other vertebrates. The hippocampus is located in the medial temporal lobe of the brain. It belongs to the limbic system and plays important roles in the consolidation of information from short-term memory to long term memory and spatial navigation. Significant fractions of graft-derived cells also expressed beneficial neurotrophic factors such as the glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor, brain-derived neurotrophic factor, fibroblast

  • Hippocampus Case Study

    1643 Words  | 7 Pages

    In the brain, the hippocampus is involved in directing the process of creating, systematising and retaining memories. The hippocampus is widely connected to the dorso medial nuclei of the thalamus, mammillary nuclei of the hypothalamus, limbic system network for learning and continuous action for long-term storage. The hippocampus brings about the representation of spatial and temporal memories (Eichenbaum et al, 1992). The research about cognitive function of the hippocampus suggests that selective

  • Hippocampus Mandatory Synthesis

    1495 Words  | 6 Pages

    The hippocampus is a paired brain structure, which resembles a seahorse and is located in the ventromedial part of the temporal lobes. The granular cell layer of the hippocampus contains mitotically active neural stem cells (NSCs). The hippocampus forms new memories and is also associated with learning and emotions. Since the brain is symmetrical, the hippocampus is found in both hemispheres of the brain. When both sides of the hippocampus are damaged, the ability to create new memories can be delayed

  • Hippocampus Synthesis Essay: Declarative Memory

    992 Words  | 4 Pages

    When discussing memory the hippocampus is one of the most important aspects of the brain to consider. According to the Oxford dictionaries, the hippocampus is defined as, “the elongated ridges on the floor of each lateral ventricle of the brain, thought to be the center of emotion, memory, and the autonomic nervous system.” This piece of the brain is one that has been extensively researched in the past, but still presents neuroscience researchers with many unanswered questions. It is now widely accepted

  • Hippocampus Synthesis

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    The hippocampus is a neural component of cognitive function as it has the α4β2 nicotinic receptor that was discovered to be involved in memory functioning (8). Owing to the fact that chronic systemic nicotine infusion fails to block the ventral hippocampal MLA-induced memory damage on the same radial-arm maze, it is known that nicotine’s positive effects on memory function is due to the hippocampal α7 nicotinic receptors (9). Nicotinic changes in the hippocampal function could produce enduring functional

  • Hippocampus Lab Report

    937 Words  | 4 Pages

    adulthood volume of the hippocampus is still unknown. 5 This small but indispensable region of our brain is located in the medial temporal lobe beneath the cortical surface.

  • Non Declarative Memory Research Paper

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    This has also been noted in non-benzodiazapine sedatives that affect the same group of receptors, such as ambien (Bulach R, Myles PS, Russnak M 2004). The other cause is when a traumatic brain injury is inflicted resulting in damage to the hippocampus or adjoining cortices. Sometimes It also may be a result of shock or an emotional disorder. Although it is rare illness can also be the origin of anterograde amnesia if it causes encephalitis (inflammation of brain tissue.) An example of illness

  • Fear Related Memory

    1151 Words  | 5 Pages

    Our memories are closely related to our emotions. Different forms of memory induce different emotions — love, fear, depression, anxiety etc. Our view of the world, therefore, is deeply embedded within our neural networks in the brain. A simplified outline of the mechanism of memory perception begins with the identification of a particular stimulus, stabilization of memory from short term to long term (consolidation) and finally, the storage of long term memory in different regions of the cerebral

  • Amnesia And Episodic Memory

    1991 Words  | 8 Pages

    Theory”. The “Multiple Trace Theory” elucidates that a “functional relation” between episodic and semantic memory are under the control of the hippocampus, while the “Cognitive Map Theory” says that ‘allocentric spatial map’ (which is a “representation encoding relations between objects, independent of the observer’s opinion”), is stored in the hippocampus, and it has been argued that “hippocampal trace access” is required to recall an event (Gomez, Rousset and Charnallet, 2011). Gomez, Rousett and

  • How Does Leonard Suffer From Anterograde Amnesia

    439 Words  | 2 Pages

    memories, beginning with the onset of a disorder (Kalat, 1998). Anterograde amnesia is a result of brain damage to the hippocampus. In the film Leonard and Sammy have damage to their hippocampus, a part of the brain that is heavily involved in learning and memory (Kalat, 1998). The hippocampus is where new information must pass before being permanently stored in memory. If the hippocampus is damaged, no new information can enter memory, but older information that have already passed through prior to the

  • Clive's Episodic Memory System

    385 Words  | 2 Pages

    Clive has damage to multiple parts of the brain including his hippocampus, and some of the frontal portion of the brain. The hippocampus is “a structure underneath the cortex that is important in many learning and memory tasks,” (Matlin, Farmer, 1983, p. 160). He continues to have problems creating memories, switching his short-term memories into long-term memories. After being infected, Clive is still able to talk, write, and even show affection to his wife, but a portion of his semantic and

  • Nontegrative Amnesia Case Study

    612 Words  | 3 Pages

    studied using case studies of brain damaged people. Case study of Henry Molaison (H.M) was troubled by epilepsy. As an attempt to cure the epileptic seizures, doctors operated his hippocampus as it was the region responsible for seizures. But the doctors had a little understanding about the overall functions of the hippocampus. Though the operation was a success on one level seizures were controllable. But the operation left him unable to form new long term memories. He started suffering from antrograte

  • Analysis Of 'The Matrix In Your Head'

    522 Words  | 3 Pages

    Head Extensive research has shown the important role of the hippocampus in our ability to store memories in a spatial context. This spatial sense is not only related to time, but also to the correspondent physical place where memories were created. The results of the study performed by John O'Keefe and Jonathan Dostrovski in 1971 have further proved this concept of a “cognitive map.” One of the first evidences of the role the hippocampus plays in storing our memories was established in the 1950s

  • Memory And Retrograde Amnesia

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    wondered how memories work from a biological viewpoint? Along with the frontal cortex of the brain, the hippocampus is the center for processing memory. Before understanding memories, perception must be understood. It is the ability to see, hear, or become aware of something through the senses. Once a person perceives a stimulus, whether it be seeing, feeling, or smelling, neurons fire up to the hippocampus and it is encoded with electricity and chemicals. But what happens when a person has a serious head

  • Development Of Episodic Memory Essay

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    and it’s improvement throughout preschool years. Recent investigations using fMRI further support the vital role of the hippocampus in the development of episodic memory. For example, fMRI studies in school-age children, adolescents, and young adults show hippocampal activation during episodic memory games (for review see Ghetti & Bunge, 2012; Ghetti et al., 2010). The hippocampus is well known for its protracted developmental course during childhood. For example, hippocampal volume has been shown

  • Memory And Memory Analysis

    1044 Words  | 5 Pages

    In psychology, an important fundamental is memory and the functions within memory. Memory is defined as the mental capacity to encode, store, and retrieve information (Gerrig, 2013). The three function process of memory, encode, store and retrieve impact the way of remembering or forgetting something. Encoding or the processing of information into memory is one of three parts. The structure of encoding converts into a way that is remembered and than stored into the brain for later recall of short

  • Amygdala Research Paper

    1083 Words  | 5 Pages

    collectively termed as the basolateral amygdala. Though the surrounding central, medial and cortical nuclei, are often included in the 'amygdala complex', it is the basolateral amygdala that accepts the sensory input from thalamus (sensory relay station), hippocampus

  • Declarative Memory Model

    1442 Words  | 6 Pages

    At one point they also believed that the hippocampus was involved in declarative memory. However with time it was found that the Hippocampus did not hinder the ability to learn and get better at new skills like solving a puzzle, playing a musical instrument. This proved that the process involved in learning a task is governed by regions other than the Hippocampus in the brain (Eichenbaum, 2002). Psychologist Brenda Milner who studied HM’s case thoroughly

  • Depression Changes Structure Of The Brain Essay

    569 Words  | 3 Pages

    leads patient to think negatively about themselves (Psychology, 2014). In addition, the long-term exposure to increased cortisol levels which manages the body stress can slow the production of new neurons and cause the neurons in the hippocampus to shrink. The hippocampus is an essential structure for learning and memory and is structured in the temporal

  • Traumatic Memory Loss

    939 Words  | 4 Pages

    People suffer traumatic memory loss worldwide. Memory loss comes in many different forms and types. Amnesiac problems can be acute or one might experience a total loss of memory. The type of issues one may have depends on the type of injury or trauma one endured. It is even possible to have a global amnesia issue if a vascular disease occurred and spread rapidly. Most often amnesia is thought of to be hysterical, like often shown in movies, where as in reality hysterical amnesia is actually fairly