Narrative mode Essays

  • The Lady's Dressing Room Analysis

    2277 Words  | 10 Pages

    Samuel Washburn Prof. Russell EN 231 2 October 2014 The Poetic Argument Between Dr. Johnathan Swift and Lady Mary Wortley Montagu Dr. Swift’s, The Lady’s Dressing Room, is an 18th century satirical poem that addresses British social issues via the lens of feminine beauty, and how that beauty is a form of artifice. The poem uses beauty as a sort of philosophical metaphor for the main character, Strephon, to confront the realistic underbelly of feminine beauty/hygiene, which is portrayed as lurid

  • Southern Womanhood In Harper Lee's To Kill A Mockingbird

    730 Words  | 3 Pages

    In Harper Lee’s “To Kill A Mockingbird”, the issue of Southern Womanhood is brought up many times throughout the novel. Lee uses many different characters to help show how she viewed Southern Womanhood. Specifically she uses, Scout, Mayella Ewell, and Scout’s Aunt Alexandra. In "To Kill A Mockingbird", Harper Lee uses specific characters to show how negative of an impact Southern Womanhood used to have. Harper Lee uses Scout in many cases to show how she thought Southern Womanhood used to have a

  • Compare And Contrast Winter And Winter Driving

    792 Words  | 4 Pages

    Winter driving is vastly different from summer driving. A different set of driving skills is required in the winter due to extreme weather conditions. Winter is by far the hardest season for drivers to navigate, while the summer is the easiest. This essay will compare and contrast winter and summer driving to show that winter is the most technically difficult. Driving in the winter differs from driving in the summer; however, either way the experience is in some way the same. On a cold winter

  • Satire In The Lady's Dressing Room

    1109 Words  | 5 Pages

    Jonathan Swift was an eccentric figure among other authors. Although he had maintained quite a few close relationships with women he had been a misogynist, seeing the worst in the opposite sex and using satire to denounce and deride women in general. By the definition satire is a ‘’literary device used to criticize foolishness and flaws of an individual or a society by using humor, exaggeration and irony’’. The target of Swift’s satire in his poem The Lady’s Dressing Room is Celia. Celia serves

  • How Does Toni Morrison Present Slavery In Beloved

    898 Words  | 4 Pages

    Around the turn of the 20th century, the Lost Generation was born. They came of age during World War I and as a whole became disillusioned and lost their naivety due to the senseless slaughter they saw in the war. In Toni Morrison’s Beloved, Morrison explores the harmful effects of slavery on not only the escaped slaves, but on there children, who are often overlooked. Denver is the protagonist of the story, she is the daughter of Sethe, an escaped slave who is terrified of her past demons returning

  • Subjectivism In Sylvia Plath's Poems

    853 Words  | 4 Pages

    Ms. Sylvia Plath, an acknowledged poet and the English lecturer at Smith College, has been an inspiration to the youth in poetic realm. The varied assortment ranging from “Pursuit”, to “Mad Girl’s Love Song”, to “Spinster” has given the poetic foundation a varying aspect of confessionalism. Although of providing a new paradigm for poetry, Ms. Plath’s course is so indulged in expression that is making poetry excessively subjective. The use of poetry as a form to express personal emotions is recognized

  • Blueblack Cold Analysis

    727 Words  | 3 Pages

    To start off my analysis, it is important to note that this is a free verse lyric poem with three stanzas. The first and the last stanzas are cinquains, while the middle stanza is a quatrain. In Robert Hayden’s poem there are a few lines that are crucial to the understanding of the speaker’s tone, thoughts and feelings and to the understanding of the poem as a whole. I have found the following words and phrases to be the most important: “Sundays”, “my father”, “blueblack cold”, “cracked hands”, “labor”

  • Conflict In House Of Scorpion

    901 Words  | 4 Pages

    The setting in the house of scorpion can be pictured as a dry, rigid place just beyond the border of America. The country that this novel takes place in has a deep dark secret behind it’s one-colored, aristocracy government. And in this novel, there is only one person willing to find what that secret is, and that’s matt. Matt is a young boy who progresses into a teenager throughout the book, but he doesn't have normal struggles.He goes through puberty just as a normal teen, but there something different

  • Comparing The Yellow Wallpaper 'And Jury Of Her Peers'

    994 Words  | 4 Pages

    Madness can drive any seemingly rational person to perform completely irrational and potentially deadly actions. Charlotte Perkins Gilman and Susan Glaspell both observe the effects of madness in their respective fictional short stories. Gilman’s work, “The Yellow Wallpaper,” is a first person short story in which madness is the central theme throughout. The narrator, who is also the protagonist, is driven into insanity after being prescribed the “rest cure” from her husband; her descent into madness

  • Effects Of Isolation In The Yellow Wallpaper

    1011 Words  | 5 Pages

    Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s short story “The Yellow Wallpaper” follows an unnamed woman as she struggles with an unspecified mental illness. The narrator and her husband, John, temporarily move to a colonial mansion. While there, the narrator becomes increasingly more obsessed with the yellow wallpaper that covers her bedroom. This obsession increasingly grows until she eventually breaks down at the end of the story. However, while the narrator is struggling with her mental illness, John brushes it

  • Reflection Of Chinese Cinderella

    1009 Words  | 5 Pages

    The novel entitled Chinese Cinderella, written by Adeline Yen Mah can be considered by one as an autobiography. Adeline Yen Mah writes about her life during her younger years in this novel. Starting off with the author, Adeline Yen Mah was born in Tianjin in the Republic of China on November 30, 1937. Its whole title, “Chinese Cinderella: The Story of the Unwanted Daughter,” speaks literally of how the flow of the novel is. The novel introduces us to 4-year-old Yen Jun-ling, whose name was changed

  • Summary Of Jacques Derrida's The Animal That Therefore I Am?

    786 Words  | 4 Pages

    We can not communicate with animals as Derrida talks about his little cat in his seminal essay The Animal That Therefore I Am and says there is no common language or a language we can understand animals. It is not like they say “mirr” to say no or “purr” to say yes. We differentiate animals and categorise them: dogs, cats, snakes, lions and many other. However we kind of categorise humans as well by their races, African, Asian and European, by their gender; male or female, by their preference of

  • The Scarlet Ibis Theme Analysis

    763 Words  | 4 Pages

    The Guilt in Pride Have you ever killed someone because your pride was hurt? The narrator in the short story "The Scarlet Ibis," by James Hurst, has always wanted a brother so bad. He finally gets a brother that everyone expects to die before being born. By some miracle the little brother didn’t die, so they decided to name him Doodle. At the end Doodle does die and this essay is to say if the narrator is guilty or not. The narrator didn’t really love Doodle, was cruel to him, and thought him how

  • Shirley Jackson's 'The Lottery'

    734 Words  | 3 Pages

    n Shirley Jackson’s, “The Lottery”, the author constructs a story full of symbolism, permitted horror, and a traditionalized ritual that serves as a front for an evil purpose, and ultimately reveals a towns ignorance in blindly following tradition. In small towns like the one in “The Lottery,” it is customary to uphold traditions. It functions as a way to bring together generations of community and family. The town is busy preparing for their tradition called the lottery. Children run around finding

  • Hills Like White Elephants Identity Analysis

    969 Words  | 4 Pages

    A Struggle with Identity “Hills Like White Elephants” is a short story in which Ernest Hemingway, the author, uses stylistic ways in presenting the story. The setting takes place in a Spanish railway station. Jig, Hemingway’s main character, and the American man, exchange frustration and confusion because of a simple operation the American man wants Jig to go through (Hemingway, 887). After a series of arguments and reasoning, at the end of the story, Jigs explained that she felt fine, suggesting

  • Foreshadowing In The Great Gatsby Analysis

    1118 Words  | 5 Pages

    4.03 Developing Theme Thesis Statement F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby and The Jelly Bean both use Irony, Foreshadowing, and symbolism to describe how many people’s endeavor to achieve great wealth and class drove people’s decisions in the 1920s. I. Main Idea for 1st Body Paragraph: Irony A. Literary element use and effect in novel 1. Nick’s relationship to Gatsby is an example of irony because Nick tells the story about Gatsby, but he doesn’t like him. In Chapters 1 and 2 Nick states

  • Briar Rose Analysis

    760 Words  | 4 Pages

    Fairy tales are characterized by their happy endings. In “Briar Rose” by the Grimm Brothers this is seen in Briar Rose’s marriage to the prince. Jane Yolen’s version of Briar Rose, however, differs greatly from the Grimm Brothers’ in answering what a happy ending implies. Yolen does not shy away from the trauma that Gemma, a Holocaust survivor, endures and subsequently, how it changes the way she deals with her past. In her version of Briar Rose, she transforms into a princess woken by true love’s

  • Their Eyes Were Watching God Identity Analysis

    746 Words  | 3 Pages

    Identity is composed of not only self-perception but also the perception of others. Consequently, relationships are vital in the forming and expressing of one’s identity. Healthy relationships allow for the expression of oneself without fear of consequences, whereas unhealthy relationships put pressure on one to change for one’s partner. Zora Neale Hurston’s novel Their Eyes Were Watching God explores the difference between healthy and unhealthy relationships, focusing on how each affects the expression

  • Gospel Sam Sax Analysis

    791 Words  | 4 Pages

    When people are traumatized by an event they are pushed to experience the five stages of grief. The “Gospel”, by Philip Levine and “the boy detective loses love”, by Sam Sax both use characters that are going through one of the stages of grief. Levine and Sax both explain the thoughts and process of what a person thinks when they go through these stages with imagery. Levine uses symbolism, a sad tone, and a set setting in “Gospel” to illustrate that grieving takes you into a depth of thoughts.

  • Comparing The Vegetarian And The Moon Lady

    996 Words  | 4 Pages

    In both The Vegetarian and one of the story in The Joy Luck Club, The Moon Lady, there are similarities and differences in the atmosphere and also the social norm. The Vegetarian is a story about a woman called Yeong-hye, who was haunted by the bloody nightmare became a vegetarian. However, her decision was not accepted by the other people, even her husband and family members. Finally, she became mentally disorder. The other story, The Moon Lady, is about a woman, Ying Ying, thought about her experience