Oxford Brookes University Essays

  • School Uniforms Expository Essay

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    Over 3.2 million students are victims of bullying each year, 1 in 10 students drop out of school because of repeated bullying, and 90% of 4th through 8th graders report being victims of bullying. As you can see, bullying is a very serious problem that happen in schools very often. In over 3.2 million students being bullied, there are those who are bullied because the way they are dressed. I am proposing to the motion: This house believes that students must wear school uniforms, and I believe that

  • John Dewey Theory Of Reflection Essay

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    CULTIVATING REFLECTION-IN-ACTION & REFLECTION-ON-ACTION Reflection is loosely defined as the way we learn from an experience in order to understand and develop practice. Reflection is a means of processing thoughts and feelings about an incident, and gives us a chance to come to terms with our thoughts and feelings about it. For example, if something did not go the way you wanted it, we would tend to reflect on it by asking ourselves questions such as why did it go wrong and how did it go wrong

  • Exoticism In Death In Venice

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    Exoticism exists on a spectrum, from pure exoticism - the choice to represent or "other" an exotic a non-Western subject, to transcultural composing which is the result of the combination of styles without an intent to "other" an exotic subject (Lecture 2/22). Bizet's Carmen is an example of pure exoticism. The story was considered shocking at the time because its violation of the social and operatic norms while exoticsizing gypsies (Lecture 2/20). Carmen, a "rebellious cigarette factory worker who

  • Effective Communication In Nursing Essay

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    For over a thousand years, ever since the first nurses came to be in 300 AD, their healthcare practices have significantly evolved over the course of the years (The History of Nursing, 2018). Nurses have played an important role in the healthcare industry, and as an essential part of their modern-day practices, they must be capable of effectively communicating with patients. In the healthcare industry, communication is an integral part of nursing practice. Effective communication is a process in

  • Virginia Woolf's The Mark On The Wall

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    Virginia Woolf, a remarkable woman writer, whose name is frequently paired with that of James Joyce, is regarded as a skilled exponent of the stream of consciousness technique in English literature of 20th century. Greatly in¬fluenced by Henry James, Virginia Woolf works on the ex¬periment and innovation of novel writing. And she is considered the founder of psychological realist. She disliked the traditional way of novel writing and rebelled against some of the established contemporary British novelists

  • Lewis Carroll Research Paper

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    father’s views, and this accounted for some awkward tensions between them. One reason that Lewis’ views could have diverged from his father’s would be as a result from his interest in the field of photography. Lewis Carroll went to Christ Church, Oxford and he taught mathematics and was also a Deacon. He would take everything very serious, especially the preparation of his sermons. Which is not a bad thing at all because it shows

  • Advantages And Disadvantages Of Cohabitation

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    now really familiar with cohabitation. Cohabitation is similar to a mathematics operation, it would give out the result but whether it is right or wrong depends on how we process it. According to the recent statistics done by students of National University HCMC in 2013, one third of the total students are cohabiting. Some people told me: People nowadays only get married when the girls are pregnant, they just live together. There are many reasons, many students have to live far from home, they are

  • Critical Thinking In Nursing Essay

    2509 Words  | 11 Pages

    Introduction Nurses job are getting more challenges now a days. Nurses are exposed to conditions where the increasing standard in healthcare needs to be taken at the same time handling and managing people with different background. To allow them to be effective in this environment, they need to be good in making decisions. Making decision is not as easy as it said but needs capability of thinking critically in complicated situations (Chan, 2013). They need a capability to see large picture, foresee

  • The ABC-E Model

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    The purpose of this assignment, I will critically discuss and analyse the use of the ABC-E model, when assessing and engaging with a new client. The ABC-E model of emotion is known by a bio-psychosocial model of mental health care which enables a client to understand there autonomic, behavioural and cognitive symptoms in their environment to get a much deeper insight, into how the client may be feeling. Nursing assessments are a key component to mental health nursing care. It is a decision-making

  • Summary Of Hugh Gallagher's Essay Parody

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    Hugh Gallagher wrote an essay or parody where he states that he does all this things. Gallagher did not take this college essay serious, Yet he took a risk just by sending this to an actual college where they probably thought he was just making fun of himself thinking he was funny. Gallagher would be a good candidate for a MOOC because he is a dynamic person. Gallagher is a dynamic person because everything he wrote in his essay shows he is a dynamic person, even though

  • Benefits Of Study Abroad Essay

    791 Words  | 4 Pages

    Is study abroad worth the cost? It may be expensive, but it is an experience that can open many doors. It offers different career possibilities that without studying abroad would be harder or impossible to get. Not studying abroad lowers a person’s chances of success in the ever-globalizing world. It is difficult to ignore that studying abroad comes at a very high price. But it is a price that can be measured both by money and by experience. The economic price, the price of the transportation, room

  • Cs Lewis Research Paper

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    moved to a place called “Little Tea”, his mother Florence died two years later. Lewis went to University College, Oxford, this college is one of many that he went to, but this college had the biggest impact on him because he then later went on to be awarded with many things such as: First Honor Moderations, First Ingrates,

  • Cs Lewis Research Paper

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    birthday, Lewis died on November 22, 1963, in Oxford England. Lewis’s parents were “ulster protestants” and would go to church every Sunday. Lewis moved around a lot and went to different kinds of schools. First, his father signed him and his brother Warren to the English boarding school of Wynyard, they were really close then but hated it at Wynyard. Jack escaped the school and got into to Malvern College. Afterward, he went to teach at Oxford University and met his beloved wife there. As a child

  • Examples Of Heroism In Alice In Wonderland

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    According to Carl Jung, for a character to be considered as an archetypal hero, there are three criteria that he must pass through: a quest; an initiation which is further divided into separation, transformation, and return; and a sacrificial scapegoat (Guerin, 2005).The hero must venture into a quest full of danger and struggles. He must be separated from the world he used to live in, and return home transformed into a completely changed and different person. Lastly, he must learn to sacrifice his

  • Cultural Themes In Children's Literature

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    Introduction Children’s literatures are not very complicated. In fact, the themes are kept simple in order to adjust to the learning and cognitive abilities of the child. Two of the primary objectives in children literature are to entertain as well as to teach them life’s lessons. For the same reason, most writers of children’s literature adhere to themes of adventure, friendship, family and love. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain, for instance, circles on the themes of adventure and

  • Norman Influence On English Language

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    The Norman conquest impacted the English language in many ways. One way that it had an impact was that it created a better standard of use of inflections. Due to the power the French had in England at the time, the people struggled to accommodate the language along with other outside influences. The simplification of the use of inflections meant that the upper ruling class were able to do business in England more easily so it it was of great interest to them. Another effect was that the French, instead

  • Conflict In Alice In Wonderland

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    Alice in Wonderland is a fictional story written by Lewis Carroll. This is a story about a girl who follows a strange looking rabbit down it's rabbit hole to find all sorts of crazy and unusual characters and places. Alice goes through this world trying to figure it out and get home but, it seems as if she's being rejected and offending the creatures who live in it. Alice struggles through the puzzles of this unknown world just wishing to go home. In the end, Alice wakes from what we now know was

  • Importance Of Effective Decision Making

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    Effective Decision Making Decision making is an important requisite for management and leadership. Through decision making, people are able to make decisions of quality. However, decision making alone will not suffice. A person should be able to have a problem solving skill as these two are closely linked with each other. If problem solving and decision making are used skillfully, people are able to become creative in indentifying solutions for problems which require a mixture of skills. Vasilescu

  • Critical Thinking Development

    1021 Words  | 5 Pages

    Critical Thinking Development Critical thinking can have different meanings, depending on the person. To me, critical thinking means advancing ones thinking to the level that one can properly certain situations and self-examine, as well as take a more in-depth view of the world’s complexities. Developing one’s critical thinking takes more than simply understanding the components of critical thinking. Studying and demonstrating the components help to better understand the concept and improve one’s

  • Charles Lutwidge Dodgson Research Paper

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    Charles Lutwidge Dodgson (also known as Lewis Carroll) was born on January 27, 1832 in Daresbury, Cheshire, England. He is known for being a novelist, photographer, and mathematician but is especially known for his book Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. His parents were Charles Dodgson (Father) and Frances Jane Lutwidge (Mother). His mother and father are first cousins. His family was primarily northern British with some Irish relations. He is the eldest son. He had seven sisters and four brothers