Rain Essays

  • Year Of No Rain Essay

    483 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Year of no rain by Alice mead is about A civil war taking place in South Sudan.The story takes place in 1999 about a boy named Stephen and his friends when their village gets bombed by the soldiers.many people in his tribe dies including the helpless boys mother and the boys sister also gets abducted by the soldiers .Clearly now he and his friends must to try to get his sister back with very limited food supply and not much of any water to drink. They walked long nights but decided to turn back

  • Annotated Bibliography: Summer Rain

    273 Words  | 2 Pages

    • AUSTRALIA. Sydney. Summer rain. In this photo there is a man who is standing huddled under awnings on the corner of George & Market St. Trent Parke has taken the photo early on 1998 and published on dream/life series. After running through a Sydney thunderstorm. His tie thrown was over his shoulder • Trent has used a mid shot for this photo to make sure that everything is shown. I would say it is a leading line because there are two lines within the image that leads ours eyes to another point

  • Rain Dancing On Gondolin Analysis

    817 Words  | 4 Pages

    Rain is dancing on Gondolin’s high towers. It drips from architraves and streaks down the lancet windows. The climbing flowers that wind around the high balustrades and volutes gather the rains in their trumpet-shaped blossoms. Iridescent in the rain, hummingbird wings quiver ruby red and gold in the misty air, flashes of dancing color. Rain sings on the fountains and in the marble-paved courtyards. It flutters at the panes like timorous wings, a song afraid to be heard, lest it be ruined by hardened

  • The Great Gatsby Rain Analysis

    277 Words  | 2 Pages

    memories that flood Gatsby once in Daisy’s presence again. The rain creates clear tone shifts as Gatsby enters and exits Nick’s bungalow through the fifth chapter, Daisy being mentioned with clear apprehension and fear experienced by Gatsby. As Daisy awaits Gatsby in Nick’s living room, Nick has taken account of Gatsby through the weather, “Aware of the loud beating of my own heart I pulled the door to against the rain.” (Fitzgerald 86) The rain symbolizes the growing fear of past Daisy altering her present

  • Lord Of The Flies Rain Symbolism

    1159 Words  | 5 Pages

    : The Transition Through Life & Death Rain is a universal metaphor for rebirth and the renewal of life, it allows strong emotions to come to the surface. This is portrayed throughout the novel, Lord of the Flies by William Golding. In Lord of the Flies, rainfall occurs only twice throughout the book, when the plane first crashed and when Simon was killed. Every time it storms, the rain and thunder create a sense of uncertainty, madness and chaos. When the rain takes place, the boys’ chances of salvation

  • Lord Rain And Darksky Quotes

    410 Words  | 2 Pages

    he will be a good Emperor and rule with justification. Everyday he looks at her he feels like to kill her. "You must be the reason, that he runs" Lady Cloud keeps denying but she was afraid that DarkSky will find out it was her who helped to Lord Rain. She always avoid Darksky. Darksky with a heavy heart looks at a distant Kingdom of Addicate "why are you running away from me? After you become a demon you're still in love with that Baberian God?... I gave you freedom but I never have though you

  • Rain Other Weather Poem

    1284 Words  | 6 Pages

    The poem “Rain, Snow, and Other Weather” by Lauren Stacks is about the weather, as the title may hint at. However, this is not all it is truly about. It follows the narrator of the poem, who is speaking to a friend about how they’re “like the weather” (1), through the usage of metaphors and vivid imagery. The most literal interpretation of this poem would then be, unquestionably, that the speaker has become part of the forecast. However, if one looks at the meaning in a more figurative way, it takes

  • Acid Rain

    1012 Words  | 5 Pages

    List some sources of acid rain. Acid rain is made by a chemical reaction that starts with sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides which is the main cause for the harmful effects of acid rain released in the air. These compounds get into the atmosphere where they get mixed and start to react with oxygen, water and other different chemicals to make acid rain. Sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide both can dissolve in water. I personally feel that it is because of humans acid rain is so harmful. Over the years

  • Ugliness And Beauty In Ray Bradbury's The Long Rain

    270 Words  | 2 Pages

    “The Long Rain” in various ways. One way he shows ugliness is through the rain. Due to the constant downpour, life seems to be dragging on slowly. Everything is bleak and dreary. The rain is affecting humans greatly. Their skin is losing color and their hands are starting to crinkle up. They are slowly starting to die. There are even corpses who have mold growing out of them. The vegetation seems to be lifeless also. Due to no sign of life, everything seems unappealing and hideous. The rain is making

  • Acid Rain: The Environmental Effects Of Acid Rain On Water

    3954 Words  | 16 Pages

    formation of acid rain are triggered. The largest contributors to pollution are humans through industrial factories that expel foreign chemicals into the atmosphere and cause the formation of acid rain. This topic was chosen to explore the effect of man-made acid rain as a result of pollution in the air on plants, human health, and much more. The effect of pH on oxygen (O2) consumption and carbon dioxide (CO2) production is worthy of investigation because human-caused acid rain is at large at many

  • Acid Rain: Environmental Causes And Effects Of Acid Rain

    1283 Words  | 6 Pages

    withstand cold temperatures, insects, and disease. The pollutants may also inhibit trees ' ability to reproduce.” Acid rain deprives soil of its nutrients to allow plants to retain water, thus disrupting the food chain for animals and creatures that depend on plants. The acidity in the water can cause a declining in aquatic animals sensitive to acidic pH levels derived from acid rain, and can cause a ripple effects of animals going extinct. With biodiversity loss, this can cause a disruption of the

  • Acid Rain Hypothesis

    739 Words  | 3 Pages

    effect of acid rain on seedling germination By Lily and Zeenat 4th May 2017 Question How does acid rain effect seedling germination(bean seeds) Hypothesis The bean seeds being watered with acid rain will begin to dry up, lose colour, start cracking and stop growing Aim To test whether acid rain will have an effect on seedling germination Introduction When sulfur oxides and nitrogen oxides incorporate into rain, snow or mist, the result is acid precipitation. Acid rain is particularly

  • Acid Acid Rain

    998 Words  | 4 Pages

    ACID DEPOSITION AND ACID RAIN: Acid deposition is caused by acidic particles and gases that deposit or fall to the Earth. Acid deposition can be wet or dry. Wet deposition is deposition of acidic gases such as oxides of sulfur and nitrogen and acidic particles brought down as precipitation by rain, fog and snow. Dry deposition is dry deposition of acidic gases in the absence of rain or precipitation. Acidity is measured using a scale called the pH scale. This scale goes from 0 to 14. 0 is the most

  • The Benefits Of Acid Rain

    701 Words  | 3 Pages

    The term "Acid Rain" is a broad term that is used to emphasize on the fact that the rain has become acidic using certain pollutants, which may appear in different forms. For example, the dry deposition is when gases and dust particles become acidic, being able to affect a person 's health by inhaling it. On the other side, wet deposition is when it rains, polluting the trees and lakes. Acid rain is a result of two different sources; first is natural sources, such as decaying vegetation and volcanoes

  • Acid Rain Essay

    1012 Words  | 5 Pages

    INTRODUCTION Acid rain or also known as acid deposition are divided into two that is wet deposition and dry deposition. Wet deposition is what always be called as acid rain. Acid rain is a term that any form of precipitation with acidic component, such as sulphuric or nitric acid. Example of acid rain form were rain, snow, fog, hail or even dust that is acidic. Acid rain occur when sulphur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxides (NOX) are emitted into the atmosphere and transported by wind and air currents

  • Progressive Insanity In Ray Bradbury's The Long Rain

    580 Words  | 3 Pages

    In The Long Rain by Ray Bradbury, the progressive insanity of the crew is a central theme of the short story. In addition, Pickard and Simmons demonstrate how the constant rain has led to them becoming insane; furthermore, the destroyed Sun Dome leaves Pickard and Simmons more mentally broken than before. First of all, Pickard shows how the rain makes him more agitated, and it slowly makes him more insane. Furthermore, Pickard expresses how the rain has made him insane by making him unable to sleep;

  • The Movie Rain Man

    1641 Words  | 7 Pages

    In the movie Rain Man, Charlie Babbitt lives in Los Angeles and he owns a business that is failing and he needs money desperately. Charlie gets a call that his father has died and that the funeral is being held in Ohio. Charlie and his father had a falling out, but Charlie visits his father’s funeral to collect his inheritance. Charlie receives his dad’s favorite car and rosebushes, while a unknown source receives his father’s assets which add up to three million dollars. Charlie finds out that he

  • Savant Syndrome In Rain Man

    1762 Words  | 8 Pages

    In the Hollywood movie Rain Man (Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 1988) the movie makers introduce the movie goers to a condition known as the savant syndrome. This film is one of the first movies that won an Oscar for shedding light on a mental disorder. Giving the fact that this movie is now nearly 18 years old it paints a pretty accurate and realistic picture of the disorder! Often times the media distorts the facts in favor of the message is like to convey. The Actor, Dustin Hoffman, plays the role of the

  • Persuasive Essay On Acid Rain

    1058 Words  | 5 Pages

    Acid Rain “Acid Rain 30 Years On.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 23 Aug. 2010, www.nytimes.com/2010/08/24/opinion/24tue4.html.             More than 30 years ago a skeptic persuaded senates to perform a study to find out if they should be worrying about Acid rain. The study showed that yes they should be worrying about acid rain because it is making 3,000 lakes and streams too acidic to support aquatic life. Due to the studies the 1990 Clean Air Act was established and basically said

  • Summary: The Effects Of Acid Rain

    1114 Words  | 5 Pages

    2.3 Effects of Acid Rain on the Environment and Human Society. Acid deposition is a serious regional problem occurring near and in many areas downwind from coal burning power plants, smelters, factories, and large urban areas according to Miller (1998). SO2 is emitted primarily by stationary sources such as power plants that burn fossil fuels whereas NOx are emitted by both stationary and mobile sources such as automobiles. How serious vegetation and aquatic life in nearby lakes are affected by