Quantitative Research Case Study: Avandia

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1. On a separate sheet of paper, draw a diagram of your experimental design. How many groups would you use to test your hypothesis? What would be the conditions for each group, and what data would you obtain from you experiment? Of this data what would be quantitative (i.e. we can measure using numbers) and what data would be qualitative (i.e. we measure without using numbers)? To test my hypothesis I would create two groups. One group would receive the drug Avandia and the other group will receive a Placebo. The conditions for each group would have to be the same because we want to make sure that Avandia is working for the intended purpose to regulate blood sugar levels within the body for example, we would have to make sure that the participants are within the same age group, physical build, and monitor what medications. Monitoring the medications a patient may take is extremely important because other drugs may affect how well Avandia works in regards to regulating blood sugar levels. The use of other drugs could possibly influence Avandia to treat something else within the body. For this case study experiment the data can be both quantitative and qualitative. The quantitative would derive from measuring your blood sugar levels with a glucose monitor and the qualitative data stems from side …show more content…

The dependent variable is the blood glucose level. The control within the experiment is something that minimizes the effect of other third party variables other than the independent variable. Having the control is crucial because we want to ensure that the drug we are testing does what we predicted it to do. In this case we want to test if the Avandia actually controls blood sugar levels within the body. The control group would be the group that receives the placebo drug. The drug would look similar to Avandia, but not contain the same working ingredients like

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